1 - Connecting Rubyblok to your Rails app

In transforming your Rails app with Rubyblok, we go beyond conventional integrations by introducing an advanced caching and persistence layer. Positioned between your application and Storyblok, this layer leverages your app's database to store JSON data from Storyblok. To optimize data access, we seamlessly integrate with your app's caching strategies, such as memcached and redis.

Key Elements:

  • Additional Caching Layer: Eliminate single points of failure and enhance performance by introducing a dedicated caching layer.

  • Database Integration: Store Storyblok's JSON data within your application's database for efficient retrieval.

  • Usual Caching Strategies: Leverage familiar caching strategies like memcached and redis to optimize data access.

  • Shared Layout: Establish a "Shared" layout for consistent design across your application.

  • Environment Variables: Enhance configurability by adding environment variables.

  • Data Preparation: Ready your app to seamlessly handle and utilize cached data.

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2 - Creating a blok (currently in manual mode)

Traditionally, defining content schemas required manual efforts on both the code and admin levels. With Rubyblok, we revolutionize this process by automating blok creation on the Storyblok side after defining structures on the code level.

Key Elements:

  • Code-Level Structure: Effortlessly create blok structures within your application's code.

  • Automated Storyblok Creation: Streamline your workflow by automatically generating matching bloks via the Content Management API on Storyblok.

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3 - Adding content

Beyond automating blok creation, Rubyblok introduces an additional layer to your content editing flow, catering to diverse needs. This layer can serve various purposes based on your specific requirements, including acting as a separate hosted platform for storing images and large content or functioning as a compression micro-service for automatic image optimization.

Key Elements:

  • Enhanced Content Editing Flow: Extend automation to diverse content editing needs.

  • Separate Hosted Platform: Utilize a dedicated platform for storing images and larger content pieces.

  • Compression Micro-Service: Implement automatic image compression for optimized load times and reduced data usage.

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4 - Publishing and viewing content

Effortlessly publish and preview content through the admin interface, triggering webhooks that seamlessly push content into your application. This process ensures storage, caching, and any relevant app logic updates are executed before reaching end users.

Key elements:

  • Admin Interface Publishing: Publish and preview content seamlessly through the admin interface.

  • Webhook Integration: Trigger webhooks to initiate the content flow into the application.

  • Storage, Caching, and Logic Updates: Ensure content is stored, cached, and relevant app logic updates are triggered before reaching end users.

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